I guest you know as me as well about this. Ya, almost every bloggers know much about this. Especially for commercial bloggers. Right ! This site are very kind I think. Because they paid us as their member only to click their ads. Very very easy to get money, right.
So, how about you ? Are you join this site now? Hope you share your experience about this.
And for you that still confusing about this site. I will explain this in the next post. So, keep in read.
ppc-ku gagal smua
ReplyDeleteTo : pencerah
ReplyDeleteHUahaa, Ikut yang mana aja OM ?
sy baru aja mau nyari tahu PPC, lagi nyari refrensi monetize blog, buat blog yg sy kelola. apa ada ya monetize blog tapi gak ngubah tema blog, gak bikin blog jadi gado2?
ReplyDeleteTo : rusydi hikmawan
ReplyDeleteSipp bro. Monetize blog saya sudah lama g jalan lagi. INi sekarang baru coba coba ngebid di Sponsored review. Hehee
Kalau saya sarankan agan main PTC aja. Tapi supaya lebih cepat memang harus invest dulu sih Hehee