Hi, met me again. For this time I want to tell you about a hosting site. May be this hosting is not foreign for you, because of their popularity as international hosting. This is 1-800-HOSTING.
Why this use hosting ? Here the reasons.
Service and Add-Ons
a. Hosting solution. Including rapid deployment server, managed hosting, and dedicated hosting.
b. Mission critical database hosting for ASP .NET and MySQL
d. Fast, secure, reliable and fully managed email service
e. Keep your managed & dedicated servers safe and sound
f. Solutions designed to significantly boost your uptime statistics
g. Enterprise-class, fully managed hardware based firewall appliances
h. Manage your web, application, database and mail servers
i. Managed Backup Service helps to disaster proof your business
j. Extreme availability and server uptime for your managed hosting
k. Comprehensive anti-virus coverage in a single, integrated solution
l. Highly managed approach to migrating your data and applications
Cloud Hosting
This is the mega hosting. So, anything that you need is provided much better here, including servers and solutions.
1-800-HOSTING have best platform :
· 100% Network Uptime Guarantee
· Multiple IP Providers via diverse entry points
· BGP4 IP Routing and Management
· Fully redundant Cisco & Juniper Routing Equipment
· Network wide DDoS Mitigation
· Multi-Terabyte, Disk-based Array's for Fully-Automated Data Backup & Recovery
· Management tools necessary to detect & prevent problems before they occur
· Gigabit Routing Speeds
So, anything that you need about hosting, you will get it at this hosting. If you wanna more information, you can visit their site at http://www.800hosting.com. And take easy to contact them via phone or email. Enjoy it.
nice info